At the moment (August 2022) Vintage Swing Festival will be organised as an open event since there is no CST, green pass or any other forms of vaccination or testing certificates necessary.
If the government requirements change, Vintage Swing festival organizers will update the COVID-19 Policy and notify all registrants via email as soon as possible.
We will always follow the most recent measures, which may affect safety requirements of the event.
Depending on the pandemic situation and government requirements:
- we might organise covid testing on site. Once upon entry or with the possibility to repeat that process during the festival. In case a supplement up to maximum €25 could be asked for.
- you will need to present upon arrival one of following documents:
- Vaccination certificate or passport
- A negative test result (PCR or rapid antigen)
- Certificate stating recovery from COVID-19 (between 11 and max 180 days).
- For now, social dancing at evening parties and switching partners during classes will be possible and completely free.
- For those who do not feel comfortable social dancing with others, you can limit your dancing to a fixed partner/solo or your own smaller social circle.
- We request that you follow the general hygiene measures:
- Stay home if you have a sickness or cold!
- Wash or sanitise your hands regularly, especially before and after class and in between dances.
- Cough or sneeze into the inside of your elbow or into a paper towel. Dispose of the papers immediately in a trash can.
- Bring your own water bottle.
- Always follow the instructions of the organization.
- Inform us if you test COVID positive and have participated in one of our activities in the 7 days before!
- We believe that the majority of dancers are up to date and conscious about the risk of their own and other people’s health.
- We expect that you do not join the festival if you are sick with the possibility of having COVID-19.
- Participants from abroad can find useful information about travel possibilities and restrictions here.
We understand that legal situations and covid-measures might change at any given moment.
- In case we have to cancel the event ourselves due to due to government restrictions or force majeure we will organise a 75% refund (minus administrative and back up costs with a max of €45) or allow pass transfer after we have processed the request.